
Monday, July 29, 2013


Flaws and mistakes are just like sweat and odour, you can't smell yourself but others around you, could.

** good luck in interpreting the meaning ;)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

beauty fade my dear

they say, good attitude comes first. good look is a bonus.

but without u realize, the saying goes otherwise.

because what catches the eyes, attracts the heart.

meaning :

when the eyes saw something nice,
your brain will say, "ohh she's beautiful. i want to know her"
then only, your body will react. this is where flirtation occurs.
during the 'kenal-hati-budi' process.. this is when attitude is observed.
stay or leave, depends on the attitude of the beauty, your eyes behold.

if the attitude is okay.. then you'll stay.
if the attitude is not okay.. bye bye you go.

BUT .. sometimes..

the good attitude comes after good look phase happen when you have no intention of having any intimacy or special relationship with the not-so-good-look girl..

but you both become friend. you talk, you hangout together, you see each other most of the time.. that's when you realize, she's not that bad.. her attitude makes her beautiful.

n because you see her everyday, she has become the angel to your eyes.
(it's called psychology between your eyes and your brain)


when i was in form 2, i joined my school choral speaking team. the script was entitled "beauty". there is this one paragraph i like, but i can't recall the exact phase.

let's say, the first girl, has very little knowledge about the world, and knows nothing about leadership but she has a very sexy figure like angelina jolie.

while the second girl is as ugly as ugly betty but she can do things really well.. who do you think donald trump will hire?


so, who will you choose, neelofa or enot?

no judgement required

i did with sincerity, you judge with no mercy (nabihah, 2013)

when you're too busy judging people, all you can see is their flaws.. even if they have thousandth other values, the judgement you have already made, covers them all. 

because judging without knowing, is too mainstream.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

tiga golongan

-gambar x berkaitan-


i read this somewhere, from a self-improvement book... but i forgot the title...

it says ...

"Ada tiga golongan yang tidak boleh dibawa berbincang, 1. orang yang sedang marah... 2. orang yang tengah lapar ... 3. pasangan bercinta"

1. orang yang sedang marah

biasanya, orang yang tengah marah ni, mmg susah nk dibawa brbincang pn.. sebab tu org slalu ckp, 'biar dia sejuk dulu' ..

2. orang yang tengah lapar

it sounds funny.. but somehow it's true.. (  ini kategori lapar tahap seminggu x makan oke.. bukan lapar mengada awk report kt twitter tuh )

imagine seminggu x jumpe makanan.. agak2 kalau kita g cakap "oii.. duduk sat, aku nak bincang pasai dot dott nih"
ada kena lempang rasanya.. org tgh lapar, disuruh dengar kita membebel.. mmg cari nahas..

besides, my friend once said, "pasal makanan ni, bole buat org bertumbuk" . walaupun kesahihannya agak diragui, tp bila difikir fikir.. cuba kita bg sekeping roti kt 10 org yg x mkn dua tiga hari, agak-agak diorg akn share same rata x?

3. pasangan bercinta

biasanya org yg tgh panas brcinta nih, mmg x kn dgr ckp org lain.. love is blind la kononnya..

love is blind.. true.. but don't be blinded by love..

love is blind tu ambiguity sebenarnya.

maksud dia mungkin gini ..

giant : sizuka, percaya la ckp sy.. nobita tu gay dgn hagemaru !
sizuka : ahhh.. giant si budak gemuk pentipu.. nobita x mungkin curang dengan sy.. nobita peluk2 hagemaru tu sbb diorg kwn baik saja!

sizuka yg buta kerana cinta.. sbb dia nmpk yg baik je kt boifren dia.. wlpn org da warning.. still die defend bf die..

maksud kedua plak mcm kisah beauty and the beast.. wlpn si beast tu x hensem langsung.. beauty jatuh cinta ngan beast tu sbb personality dia.. mknanya, dia x pndg luaran.. die bt x nmpk je ketakhenseman beast tu.. ni love is blind yg patut dicontohi ye kawan2..

soooo... pasangan brcinta 'love is blind' mcm sizuka tu mmg xleh dibawa brbincang SELAGI dia x sedar sndri..

k.. enaf merapu malam2.. solusi.. mcm mana nk handle tiga golongan kt atas..

org yg tgh mrh - bg Al-Quran.. srh dia ngucap sikit.. sbb dlm sunnah ade ckp, kalau org yg tgh mrh.. sila pegi amik air smbhyg...

Rasulullah bersabda:
“Sesungguhnya marah itu dari syaitan, sedang syaitan diciptakan dari api, dan yang dapat memadamkan api hanyalah air. Oleh kerana itu, apabila salah seorang diantara kamu marah, maka hendaklah ia berwudhuk.” (HR Ahmad).

lgpn, Rasulullah S.A.W ckp, org yg bole kawal mrh die, akan masuk syurga :)

Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda:
“Barang siapa menahan marah sedangkan ia mampu melampiaskannya, maka Allah akan memanggilnya pada hari Kiamat di depan semua makhlukNya dan menawarkan kepadanya bidadari syurga yang ia sukai.” (HR Ahmad)

dapat masuk syurga, dapat bidadari.. so jgn marah marah ye bang *wink3

orang yg sedang lapar - yg ni plg small of the pieces.. kasi die makanan biaq dia kenyang.. pstu kasi die tido sejam dua.. lps tu baru ajak sembang...  sng kan? hehee

pasangan bercinta - yg ni biarkan je.. ckp sekali je.. dia x nk dengar.. lantak p.. sbb selagi x calar hati tu.. diorg x kn sedar.. dia kena mengalami.. baru dia belajar..

ok.. till then
gute nacht ;)

p/s : posting nnti mungkin trkapai kapai.. maybe bole ckp kt abah nnti abis degree keje ngan dia.. atau jual karipap tepi jalan? atau tunggu org masuk minang? ngee.. the later sounds better.. weee~

Friday, July 5, 2013

game over

How do you know you're NOT into him anymore?

When your heart doesn't go thump thump when he's near  =)

Till then,
live a happy life,
find new love,
and take care :)
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